

This is simply a collection of unrelated images, with only one common characteristic: all were generated using the incredible POV-ray raytracing program.

This program permits defining scenes, using a special description language, composed of components of many types. Next, it's possible to apply textures, finishes and colors to these objects. Adding light sources and camera completes the picture.

As exemplified by the candle image, the transparence and reflection effects are quite spectacular. I'm just an amateur at this. If you really want to enjoy some incredible things, have a look at the POV-ray site and enjoy some real artworks. If you're not afraid of some experimenting, you can freely download the program also!

Here's a picture entered at the POV-ray image contest (This was a very long time ago).

Submission to the 2009/Oct IRTC competition - not entered on time because of server overload!
I've added a page with several more images and details.
Yet another xmas card. In the background is the renovated bridge at Villa Carlos Paz. As the effects are really better appreciated with larger resolutions, I've uploaded other versions: 1024 x 798, 1200 x 900, y 1600 x 1200.
Christmas card for the end-of-2007 festivities. This time, I added page on how this images was obtained.
Christmas card sent in 2006. Background is a foggy night view of my town. The glasses were designed with my new 'spledit' program, and the text is from the GIMP. All parts are combined with POVray - pure Linux!
Christmas card sent to friends in 2005. Background is a small part of a fractal rendered with Xaos. The text is a glass simulation witn POVray
Christmas card send to friends in 2003
Preview of the mixer part in a microwave waveguide
'Exploded view' of the oscillator part of a Gunn transmitter
Preview of the mechanical construction of a 1.5m parabolic reflector
Entry sent to the IRTC contest, organised by the POV-ray people. Theme to the contest was 'Water'
I needed a 'visual' of an electronic project, to get an idea of the distribution of things. Here's the simulation.
All forms, colors, even textures are defined by mathematical definitions, so it was relatively easy to get this image. It's a lot more difficult to do this with paint!
Every year, around the winter holiday season, the same question pops up: which cards to send? Using POV-ray, I designed this one...
Everyday objects - like this lighter - can be simulated by combining the basic objects provided.
Effects reminescent of Vasarely's art, are obtainable using the diffraction and reflection characteristics
How will this new satellite antenna look like?
(c) John Coppens ON6JC/LW3HAZ mail